The political events in a psychoanalytic society
(The paradigm of controversies between A. Freud/M. Klein.
The contribution of Winnicott)

The author takes the Controversial Discussions between A.Freud/M. Klein as a paradigm of the creation and use of political events in a Psychoanalytic Society. A political event is formed with a space for "playing" where internal and external reality meet. It is used as an intermediate area, where heterogeneous psychic clements meet and pluralism of ideas is secured. It concerns the mobilisation and elaboration of unassimilated elements, remnants of the transference of one's own analysis and ultimately the transference to Freud. It is formed when a paradigm of thought informs an experience with emotional meaning, thus transforming it into an emotional experience. Its formation implicates certain aspects of the Society's Institutions, that have the value of guaranteeing that "playing" will be carried out in a climate of metaphor exchange. Unassimilated elements become aspects of the Institution's rituals An Arche and an original enigma around which a political event is realised. An event consists of a canvas on which transference/countertransference movements are woven. The paradox is that in order to belong to a Society one needs to allow oneself to make spontaneous gestures -introducing unassimilated elements- that attempt to disrupt its order, while its extrernality is respected. The function of seduction is important in realising a political event, within the area of cultural experience -en route towards finding/making reality- and a safeguard of the private elsewhere space of personal (self) analysis. The dangers of rationalisations idealisations and ideology in the living space of a Society really matter to it, as its political events show.