Treatment of panic disorder in the emergency room

The Purpose is the treatment of Panic Disorder (P.D.) in the Emergency Room (E.R.) and its importance for the prevention of this disorder. E.R is the first point of contact with the health system for many patients with P.D.

Method: 40 patients (female 63%) with P.D. according to the DSMIV criteria of recent onset (1 to 12 months), who were seen in the E.R. We divided our patients in two groups.

In group A, 20 patients, we explained the nature of symptoms, we gave them self - exposure instructions, and 1 mg of alprazolam daily.

In group B, 20 patients, they received reassurance and 1 mg of alprazolam.

We used the phobia questionnaire of Marks and Matthews HAM D-17, Beck Depression inventory and questionnaire on avoidment behavior.

Our patients were re-examined after 4 weeks.

Results: 75% of the patients had their first contact with a psychiatrist. In group A we had improvement in all the scales for the 55% of our patients, whereas in group B only 30% improved. In group A 60% continued their treatment, whereas in group B only 30% did.

The factors making them come and continue treatment were: Inability to work due to panic attacks or agoraphobia, more severe symptoms, perception that P.D influences their lives.

Conclusion: The early treatment of P.D in the E.R has

a) better results
b) an increase of the percentage of patients seeking care
c) a decrease of long term consequences of the disorder.