Heavy toxic metals and special reactions with different kind of dementia

Heavy metal toxicity represents an uncommon, yet clinically significant, medical condition. If unrecognized or inappropriately treated, heavy metal toxicity can result in significant morbidity and mortality. The most common heavy metals implicated in acute and/or chronic conditions include lead, arsenic, mercury, copper, aluminum, Zinc.

Symptomatology of metals could be the cause of those symptoms. Memory loss, increased allergic reactions, high blood pressure, depression, mood swings, irritability, poor concentration, aggressive behaviour, sleep disorders, speech disorders, vascular occlusion, neuropathy, autoimmune diseases, and chronic fatigue are just some of the many conditions resulting from exposure to toxins.

Heavy metals poison us by disrupting our cellular enzymes, which run on nutritional minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Toxic metals kick out the nutrients and bind their receptor sites, causing diffuse symptoms by affecting nerves, hormones, digestion, and immune function

The industrialization of the world has dramatically increased the overall environmental 'load' of heavy metal toxins to the point that our societies are dependent upon them for proper functioning. Industry and commercial processes have actively mined refined manufactured burned and manipulated heavy metal compounds for a number of reasons.

Today heavy metals are abundant in our drinking water air and soil due to our increased use of these compounds. They are present in virtually every area of modern consumerism from construction materials to cosmetics medicines to processed foods fuel sources to agents of destruction appliances to personal care products. It is very difficult for anyone to avoid exposure to any of the many harmful heavy metals that are so prevalent in our environment.

While it does not appear that we are going to neutralize the threat of heavy metal toxicity in our communities nor decrease our utilization of the many commercial goods that they help produce we can take steps to understand this threat and put into action policies of prevention and treatment that may help to lessen the negative impact that these agents have on human health.

Key words: Toxicity, different kind of dementia, lead, mercury, arsenic, zinc, argyle, cupper.